martedì 19 marzo 2013


Dopo sette mesi di silenzio, rieccomi qui. Sono tornata e dopo aver lasciato l'Australia ho deciso di scrivere i post in Italiano. Ora che vivo in Svezia sarebbe bello dividere idee, e riflessioni con i miei connazionali all'estero, sempre che qualcuno legga.... 

Bhé non aggiungo altro per questa volta, e se qualcuno dimostrerá interesse, potrei ricominciare a condividere un pochettino delle mie giornate con il mondo del web. 


domenica 26 agosto 2012

August is pretty much finished. And at the end of this summer anything went as planned. 

I've done only one drive with the school, wich went good.

The summer love, turned out to be more than that, complicating the whole situation.

I found the first house i'm gonna live in by my self.

I'm having lots of lovely dinners, with lovely people.

If i have to be honest, this summer went much better than what i thought it would be. Is has been different from all the previous summers. This makes me realize how much i've changed in one year.

giovedì 9 agosto 2012

This image made me laugh. I coulden't find anything better to explain, my mood and how my life is going lately.

venerdì 3 agosto 2012

Got it right!


I passed the first test to get my driver licence!!!

I went to Imperia, on Tuesday, and i was so nervous!
My dad was there with me, trying to calm me down! I was so happy he was there with me, for me!
And when i got back home, my little brother Alessandro had made something for me:

Now, next week i'll start with the proper driving lessons. I'm really looking forward, i think i'll enjoy it very much.

This weekend i'll be going to Verdeggia for a short holiday with a friend. It's most of all, a relaxing weekend. We'll probably be the only one in that little village up in the mountains.

This week, i've been working: well, i've just been taking Matteo, the kid i'm babysitting to the beach.

Not a hard work at all.

And right now, while i was writing down the post, one of the best friends in the whole world surprised me.
He was working on a boat and we were waiting him for the end of August, but he just now he rang on my door bell. I might be dreaming..........

sabato 28 luglio 2012

How can't you love them?!


Dust Bowl Dance

White Blank Page

Summer is flowing like a stream in front of me and i can't get into it. It feels so strange. Summer here has always had a different taste, but this year i just can't get into the summer mood.

Sanremo, Italy

I'm studying lots, the test is TUESDAY, maybe that could be a reason.

The job is fine, and recently i've taken my brother Alessandro with me. The kid i'm baby sitting is so cute and it's really easy to be with him, so i had no doubt they would have been friends quickly. But it was so nice to see how easy it was for them, for all the children, i guess, get friends. 
After a few question about what their favorite play station games and soccer team were, they get along really well. The funniest was that after a half an hour they were already calling each other "mate" and "dude".

And i was wondering why, as you grow up, everything gets harder. Why, it can't be so easy to be friends for the adults as it is for the kids. And i was also wondering when exactly, friendship, turns into something potentially difficult.